TreeSource's Web interface was made with intuitiveness in mind. However, to help with certain concepts, this short tutorial was created.
Menu elements
On the left panel of the screen, you can see the following elements:
It's the first page that appears on screen after the secure connection page. It contains a short description and some stats on TreeSource.
Current section.
Data search
Forms to search, view and download data. See below for details.
Guides and references
Downloadable files giving informations complementary to the database.
Frequently askeds questions and answers.
Details on menu elements
Data search
Once "Data search" is selected, a list of the views appears.
ViewsA view is simply a filtered and/or formatted table of the database. Data are the same as in the original table, but are often displayed on an easier-to-read fashion.- Select the view. Description of the view appears on the panel at the right.
- Then choose at the screen bottom:
- See (all): shows all results on-screen for the selected view.
- Export (all): directly export all results for the selected view.
- Advanced search: Precisely select lines and columns to be displayed, using criteria. See next section.
Advanced search
- The "Criteria selection" section allows to filter data by using criteria.
- Select a field from the dropdown list
- Choose the operator (logic)
Regular expression search operators (~|!~|~*|!~*) :
Operator Meaning ~ contains the value... !~ DOES NOT contain the value... ~* contains the value... (case-insensitive) !~* DOES NOT contain the value... (case-insensitive) Regular expressions accept a wealth of replacement characters which allow very powerful searches, for example:
Character Example Explanation ^ ^E560 Field starts with E560 | 250|251|312 Field contains 250 or 251 or 312 [ ] [0-5] Field contains a digit within 0-5 \d \d\d_072 Field contains 2 digits followed by _072 For more details on regular expressions: https://neo.dmcs.pl/pios/Regular_Expression_Quick_Reference.pdf
NULL/NOT NULL search operators:Operator/value Signification NULL Field is empty NOT NULL Field is NOT empty NOTE: any value entered in the 'Value' box will be ignored.
- Enter the value to search for in the 'Value' box
- The "Display" section allows to choose displayed fields and their order, as well as the row sort order.
- The "Limit" section can be used to specify the number of rows to be returned ("Amount of items to retrieve").
- Finally, it is possible to either choose between displaying or exporting the results at the bottom of the page.
- The "Criteria selection" section allows to filter data by using criteria.
Once results are shown on-screen, you can export them or refine the search criteria ("Back to search").
HINT:The results page generates a coded hyperlink, which you can copy and reuse later. If new data have been added to the underlying table, they will be updated even if you reuse the link.